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Selasa, 01 Januari 2008

KOM-TEK Pendaftaran Pelatihan SAP BC402 Advanced ABAP (dibuka)


Are you ready to challenged high demand SAP Jobs?, the only IT Job
that accepted anywhere in the world, don't missed this opportunity.

BC402 Advanced ABAP


* 4 Sessions (1 session / week)

Course Goals

* In-depth knowledge of the ABAP programming language to be able
to write more robust programs
* The ability to assess ABAP programming techniques according to
performance aspects and develop high-performance programs
* Acquire the necessary knowledge to develop dynamic ABAP programs

Target Audience

* Developer
* Project team members
* Consultants
* Anyone who want to be expert and specialist in ABAP


* BC400 ABAP Workbench Foundations (Mandatory)
* BC430 ABAP Dictionary (Optional/recommended)


* programming experience in Computer Programming

Software Component(s) and Release(s)

* SAP NW 2004S

Course Content

* ABAP runtime environment
* ABAP types and data objects
* Analysis tools for programs
* Work with internal tables
* Program modularization with function modules
* Performance of complex Open SQL statements
* Dynamic programming with field symbols and references
* Runtime type information, runtime type creation
* Program calls and memory management
* Introduction to ABAP objects

Price: rp 400 ribu (Include remote access to SAP Netweaver 2004s and
access from web browser)

Formulir di http://www.komputer-teknologi.net

Seat is very limited.

This training is real time online training using Citrix technology
Gotomeeting and Audio room tools, exercises for every session.
Certificate of Completion is provided at the end of the course (to
eligible only).
Instructor is highly ABAP experienced Consultant and SAP Technology

Pusat Studi ERP Indonesia

Website materi belajar umum: http://www.komputer-teknologi.net/
Diskusi melalui web: http://forum.komputer-teknologi.net
Materi belajar SAP ABAP http://belajar-abap.blogspot.com

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