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Sabtu, 10 November 2007

KOM-TEK [Info] PhD Scholarships in Management Information Systems

Dear all,

Minimum requirements:

a.. Graduate Management Admission Test. (GMAT): 650 (or comparable Graduate
Record Examination/GRE)
a.. Grade Point Average (GPA): 3.50
a.. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): 95th percentile on each
test section - Internet-Based Test (iBT) preferred, but others accepted too.

If you would like to prepare for scholarships and to increase your English
capability, TOEFL, GMAT, and GRE, please send an email to



For more information about the scholarship, please refer to the enclosed


Ahmad Syamil
Arkansas State University



From: Miranda, Shaila M. [mailto:shailamiranda@ou.edu]
Subject: Looking for a few good PhD students

Dear Professor Syamil,

We would like your assistance identifying promising prospective applicants
for the PhD program in MIS at the University of Oklahoma. Our MIS faculty
is ranked among the Top 10 programs in the world in terms of research
productivity (based on the list of business journals in the Financial Times,
see http://citm.utdallas.edu/utdrankings for details) and our undergraduate
MIS program has been ranked in the Top 20 Programs in the nation by U.S News
and World Report (for the past three years).

We, at OU, are committed to building on this tradition of excellence with
our doctoral program. We take pride in personally mentoring every doctoral
student admitted to the program and in developing outstanding future
colleagues in IT. Our faculty's research programs, and consequently, our
PhD students' research projects, focus on managerial and behavioral
phenomena associated with organizations' decisions regarding investing in
and managing IT and individuals' and groups' decisions about using IT. The
faculty is also comfortable with a wide range of research methodologies.

If you come across a student who is thinking about getting a PhD in MIS and
could succeed at a program such as ours, we would very much appreciate you
putting him/her in touch with us. Additional information about our program
may be obtained at http://price.ou.edu/prospstudents/phd_mis.aspx.

Thank you for your assistance.

Dr. Shaila Miranda

PhD Program Coordinator
MIS Division, Price College of Business
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019, USA
EMail: shailamiranda@ou.edu
Phone: (405) 325-5732

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